I will spray a second round to see if it kills some of the tough weeds not affected by only one round of spray, if not, I will go with another product for those.

Description Specs Labels & MSDS Species Controlled Labeled Crops Reviews. It did state that it may need to be mixed with other broadleaf herbicides to keep from making more than one pass if I wanted to kill all of the issues I had. Crossbow Herbicide kills most types of undesirable trees, such as Ash. Overall was satisfied with how it performed. Carefully review the (M)SDS below to see if it’s the version youre looking for. I bought the Crossbow knowing I would probably have to mix it with another herbicide to kill everything that was over taking our pasture and ditches but wanted to see how the crossbow did on its own first. Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS. However, the combination of spray contact with impervious surfaces, such as roads and rocks, and increasing ambient air temperatures, may result in an increase in the volatility potential for this herbicide, increasing a risk for off-target injury to sensitive crops such as grapes and tomatoes. It is doing its job! We recently purchased 40 acres in Central Florida that had not been well taken care of for a few years but did have about 25 head of cattle on it. Crossbow is formulated as a low volatile ester.
*See product manual 2 for MSDS information Not for use in grazing areas for lactating dairy animals.Application rate depends on type of weed and application timing.Best results when foliage growth is active. Not effective if used immediately after mowing. As a pre-emergent herbicide, the versatility of Prodiamine 65 WDG allows applications. Post mergent spray use when leaves are present. ConfrontR Specialty Herbicide, Material Safety Data Sheet, MSDS : 003599, January 1, 1998 Dow AgroSciences, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide. Triad Select Label Triad Select MSDS Triad Select Brochure.Equipment: hand sprayers, tractor ag-sprayers, virtually any type of chemical sprayer. Crossbow® Herbicide Crossbow® Herbicide MSDS Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS.WeedMaster is a selective, post-emerge herbicide that provides tough, long-lasting control of a broad spectrum of annual, biennial and perennial broadleaf weeds. Annual and Perennial Broadleaves : Buckwheat, Ragweed, Thistle, Poison Ivy, Dandelion, Oxalis, White Clover, Ground Ivy, etc. For years, growers and ranchers have counted on WeedMaster® for consistent weed control in sugarcane, pastures, small grains and fallowland.Woody plants and Brush : Kudzu, Blackberries, Poison Oak, Softwoods, etc.Tried other herbicides that didn’t kill? Or sprays that killed everything - including your grass? This is the perfect product for your fencerow, fields, anywhere you need some serious knockdown but want to preserve your grass. Yes, if used as directed on the product label.If you’ve been looking for a great herbicide that will knock down everything from poison ivy to softwoods to bushes, briars and berries, you’ve found it! The Crossbow Herbicide from Dow AgroSciences is a powerful herbicide for woody, brush, and broadleaf plants that leaves grasses unaffected! It’s even great for Kudzu and Bamboo.

See label for full and specific application instructions. Mix thoroughly and continue moderate agitation while spraying. Crossbow specialty herbicide is recommended for control of most species of unwanted woody plants, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites. Then add the Crossbow and complete filling the tank with agitation running. Rangeland, Permanent Grass Pastures, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Acres, Fence Rows, Non-Irrigation Ditch Banks, Roadsides and other non-crop areas and industrial sites.įill the spray tank about half full with clean water.